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Web Equality Policy

Helping You Use IT Better

Website Equalty Policy Summary

The following is a summary of our Eqality, Deversity and Inclusion Policy. We believe that we are all equal, and entitled to the same respect regardless of background.


It is our intention that there should be no discrimination on the grounds of (list is not exhaustive);

  • gender,
  • marital status,
  • colour,
  • race,
  • ability or disability,
  • age,
  • ethnicity or national origin,
  • religion beliefs,
  • sexual orientation,
  • political opinion.

AHB will make every effort to also ensure that no discrimination occurs in relation to all of the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010.

Website Equality

As web designers and developers we are committed to maintaining our own site within the compliance for internationally recognised standards from the World Wide Web Consortium. We strive to maintain a minimum standard that we apply to all work we carry out.

  1. This site has been built in W3C Web Accessibility standards in mind with a minimum target compliance level W3C WAI standard AA, to ensure accessibility to all users, irrespective of their physical ability..
  2. Testing on this site has been carried out by freely available accessibility testing tools to check that this site meets our standards. Tests are repeated on an ongoing basis thus ensuring maintained levels of accessibility.
  3. Great effort has been employed to ensure old content meets the above standards. Due to high volumes of content not all old content may meet the W3C WAI standards. Where content does not meet the standards pages have not been intentionally left as non compliant. Every effort will be taken to rectify this.

We are dedicated to supporting all users. If you experience any difficulties using this web site please contact us by sending an email to, or use the Contact Us form on this website.

A copy of the full Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy is available on request.

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