In Microsoft Office use templates to create consistent documents and save time. Templates are particularly useful for documents that are used frequently, such as standard letters, weekly reports and presentations or expense forms.
A template forms the basis of a document that is perhaps partially written with only some customisation to be inserted to complete the document, or a document that is set out to conform to a corporate standard. Templates can contain:
· Initial document content.
· Content layout
· Styles and formatting
Templates can be created by the user, alternatively Microsoft Office has a number of preinstalled templates ready for use. Many of the preinstalled templates may not suit the requirements exactly, but these can be modified to suit your own needs. Templates area available for the most common office products, including Word and Excel
To create a new template use a file that already has the desired look and feel, if one exists, tailor the content to meet the current needs. That’s what a template is—a file where the hard work has been done for you, saving you from having to start with a blank page, there’s no need to replicate the same work over and over again.
Templates are a great way to save time and create consistent documents. They are especially valuable for types of documents that are frequently used, such as weekly presentations, application forms, and expense reports. If possible, you want to use a file that already has the desired functionality, look and feel . That’s what a template is—a file where the hard work has been done, saving from having to start with a blank page.
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